Does the iPhone 12 Pro Max have better 5G capabilities than the iPhone 12 Pro?

Better 5G capabilities?

The iPhone 12 Pro Max has been making waves in the tech world. One of the most talked-about features of this new device is its 5G capabilities. But does the iPhone 12 Pro Max really have better 5G capabilities than the iPhone 12 Pro?

mmWave 5G

To answer this question, it's important to understand the different types of 5G networks. The iPhone 12 Pro and the iPhone 12 Pro Max both support sub-6GHz 5G, which is the most common type of 5G network. However, the iPhone 12 Pro Max also supports mmWave 5G, which is a faster and more powerful type of 5G network.

So, in terms of 5G capabilities, the iPhone 12 Pro Max does have an advantage over the iPhone 12 Pro. With mmWave 5G, the iPhone 12 Pro Max can achieve download speeds of up to 4Gbps, which is significantly faster than the sub-6GHz 5G speeds of the iPhone 12 Pro.

Rely on Strong connection though

But it's important to note that mmWave 5G is only available in select cities and areas, and even then, it can be difficult to maintain a strong connection. So while the iPhone 12 Pro Max may have better 5G capabilities on paper, it may not necessarily translate to a better user experience in all situations.

Ultimately, whether the iPhone 12 Pro Max's 5G capabilities are worth the upgrade from the iPhone 12 Pro will depend on individual needs and preferences. But for those who prioritize speed and performance, the iPhone 12 Pro Max's mmWave 5G capabilities may be a game-changer.

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