How to stretch new shoes for all types?

As a fashion enthusiast, one of the most frustrating things is buying a new pair of shoes only to find out they are too tight or uncomfortable to wear. However, there are several ways to stretch new shoes to make them more comfortable and wearable. In this blog post, we will explore different methods for stretching shoes for all types.

Leather shoes - You need a shoe Stretcher

For leather shoes, one of the most effective ways to stretch them is by using a shoe stretcher. A shoe stretcher is a device that can be inserted into the shoe to stretch it out. Simply insert the stretcher into the shoe and adjust it to the desired size. Leave it in for a few hours or overnight, and the shoe will be stretched to the desired size.

Fabric Shoes - thick socks win the Game!

For canvas or fabric shoes, a simple trick is to wear them with thick socks and use a hairdryer to blow hot air onto the tight areas. The heat will help to stretch the fabric, and the thick socks will help to stretch the shoe to the desired size.

Rub them with Alcohol and water

Another method for stretching shoes is by using a mixture of rubbing alcohol and water. Mix equal parts rubbing alcohol and water in a spray bottle and spray the mixture onto the tight areas of the shoe. Put the shoes on and wear them until they dry. The alcohol will help to stretch the shoe, and the water will prevent the leather from drying out.

In conclusion, there are several ways to stretch new shoes to make them more comfortable and wearable. Whether it's using a shoe stretcher, wearing thick socks with a hairdryer, or using a mixture of rubbing alcohol and water, there is a method for every type of shoe. So, don't let tight shoes ruin your day, try these methods and enjoy your new shoes!