How to revamp a wig: Everything you need to know

How many of us have fallen for a wig you see online or physically looking so fine and detailed, you purchased it, after a month or more, all those features are no longer there? Oh yes, many of us have concluded that the sellers scammed us. This happens because all weaves or wig requires maintenance, including the expensive ones and when you fail to do that, then it becomes an old weave, you condemn them or give them out. So, those that know how to revamp a wig joyfully takes your trash, revamp it and then you see it and ask them, where did they get the wig, and you would love to have one. If you are reading this article, it means you are also in this category or you don’t want to. So, don’t throw away that wig, or weave, learn how to bring it back to life.

There are different reasons why wigs lose their quality or shine. It can either be exposed to water, sun, and dust or not brushing the weave properly. So, let's get started on steps to revamping a wig properly.

There are two major ways to revamping your wig. Brushing/pruning process or washing process.

Brushing/ Pruning process

Brushing the hair out

As we use our wig daily, some parts of the weave get knotted up. These knots can be so severe that it becomes very hard to untangle them. To detangle the weave, make use of a paddle brush to brush out the knotted weave without pulling the hair out of the wig. To do this, I advise you to try separating the wig, into smaller portions and brushed them out according. The brushing process on how to revamp a wig is fast and energy-saving. The pruning process happens in curly wigs. The paddle brush out technique does not work for curly wigs because of its curly nature. To prune your curly wig, use your hand to brush out the loosened hair from the wig or carefully use scissors to cut some out. This loosen hair makes the curly wig look rough.

Apply Leave-in Conditioner

After brushing or pruning the hair, you then make use of the leave-in conditioner. There are lots of conditioners you can use, it either comes in form of spray or cream, the most brand usually adds a nice scent to it. Leave in conditioner moisturizes your wig and makes it feel soft. It also helps in detangling your wig.

Apply hair oil: Hair oil is wig-based i.e. the oil you would use synthetic hair, you cannot use it on human hair, though some oil can be used for both. So you need to know the type of hair you are revamping.


Put your wig in a plastic bag for about 30 minutes. This helps the weave to absorb the conditioner and oil that was applied.

Style your wig

The final process of how to revamp a wig is styling. This depends on the type of wig you are working on. Only human hair wig can go through this process

For a wavy wig, you can use bending rollers to get the wavy look. Bending rollers takes time to bend hair so you might need to leave it overnight.

For curly wigs, you can use a hair curler, to give the weave a curly look. Make sure to use a power regulating curler, lower it to avoid burning out the weave.

For a straight wig, you use a straightener to straighten the weave. Also, avoid allowing the straightener to be too hot.

For coil wig, apply curly cream such as curl keeper or curly styling gel, to bring out the curls again.

Restyle the wig

If you are tired of the way your wig looks, you can change any of the above wigs except coil wig to another, that is, you can change wavy wig to straight, etc. It is important to note that only human hair wigs can go through this process. You can change it to bunt cut or bob it. Dying the wig to any colour of your choice is also another way of how to revamp a wig because it gives the wig another look.

For synthetic hair, you can also simply change the style by their parting, e.g. center patching to half parting.

Washing Process

Avoid washing your wig if your wig is not smelling or dusty. This is because washing wigs can bleach out the colour if it is a bleached wig, also regular washing can make the wig lose its original features such as the length of the weave.

To wash your wig, soak your conditioner shampoo in warm water. Soak the wig inside the soapy water, romance the wig for some minute inside the water. Rinse it with warm water then apply conditioner in warm water and soak it for about 10 minutes. Rinse it with warm water and use a warm towel to dry it.

Apply leave-conditioner and oil, then do the plastic bag method (see steaming). Comb it out and put on a mannequin or clean surface to air dry it or make use of a hand dryer to blow dry it. You can then style it as you want to. Enjoy your new wig look.

There are different ways on how to revamp a wig. It is important to know your wig before doing any so the processes so do not end up causing more damage to the hair. If you are not sure, you can consult a hair professional. If you try these methods and you are still not satisfied with the look, it is either you carefully check the tips again or give it to a professional and if it doesn’t change then it is time to get a new one.