Find here some natural home remedies for sunburn on face

Staying outdoors for hours under the sun can be tremendously harmful to the entire body, it can increase the risk of skin cancer, and the risk doubles if one has a history of five sunburns or more. Sunburn is red, painful skin that feels hot to the touch. It usually appears within a few hours after too much exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light from sunshine or artificial sources, such as sunlamps. Start treating sunburn immediately when you notice it. The symptoms of sunburn may not occur right away, and it can take up to 5 hours for these symptoms to appear. You should also avoid directly applying ice, although it may look appealing when your skin is burning, it could cause even more damage to your extra-sensitive sunburned skin. If untreated, the burn can result in blistering or peeling skin. Some natural remedies can help you relieve the symptoms of sunburn and boost up the healing process. All of these remedies use natural ingredients, so you do not need to worry about side effects when applying any of these home remedies for sunburn on face. Also let me mention that you should be wary of pools, as chlorinated water can irritate the skin more. We have several ways to treat sunburn at home, but in this article, we will be highlighting 5 ways and procedures to treat sunburn at home. Below are the steps

Six home remedies you can try for the sunburn

Apple Cider Vinegar

This is the first of all the home remedies for sunburn I would like to mention in this article. Apple cider vinegar contains astringent properties, making it a great solution for soothing sunburn pain and stimulating the healing process. Besides, the acetic acid found in this kind of vinegar also helps in relieving itching and inflammation. Just remember to avoid using apple cider vinegar in case you have abrasions on the skin.

Method 1:

  • Mix equal proportions of cool water and undiluted apple cider vinegar.
  • Then, soak some paper towels in this solution before placing them over your sunburnt skin area.
  • Let them sit on until these towels dry out.
  • Repeat this process a few times daily for several days.

An alternative method for using apple cider vinegar as a home remedy for sunburn on face is

Method 2:

  • Pour a cup of undiluted apple cider vinegar into your warm bathwater.
  • Soak the affected skin areas in this water for 30 minutes.
  • Follow this process once daily if required.

Drink Lots of Water

As your skin is battling the damage from the sun’s rays, it needs moisture that it lost during your time out in the sun. If you aren’t already drinking your eight glasses of water a day, sunburn should be reason enough to get you to start doing so.


Honey acts as a powerful antibiotic and helps retain moisture in the skin. Besides, an enzyme found in honey can help in repairing damaged skin and reducing swelling and inflammation caused by sunburn.

Method 1:

  • Add 1 tbsp. of raw honey to a cup of warm water and mix it well
  • Eat this solution 3 times a day to speed up healing.

Method 2:

  • Apply a thin layer of raw honey on your affected skin
  • Let it dry out on its own.
  • Repeat this remedy 2-3 times daily for about 7 days.


Cucumber contains skin-soothing properties that help relieve the symptoms of sunburn. The use of cucumber as one of the home remedies for sunburn on face is very good because of its antioxidant properties which helps with the healing process and relieves discomfort.


  • Slice a chilled cucumber and then place these slices on your affected skin area.
  • Then, flip these cucumber slices once the first side heats up.
  • Alternatively, toss 1- 2 chilled cucumbers in a blender to form a paste.
  • Add some cornstarch or aloe vera gel for a little thicker paste.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is packed with skin-nourishing properties, so it can be used to moisturize the skin and simultaneously reduce sunburn symptoms. Additionally, the vitamin E found in coconut oil acts as a powerful antioxidant, which has been found to relieve inflammation and pain associated with sunburn. Plus, coconut oil is very light, the skin can absorb it quickly and give you an improvement within a few days.


  • Slightly warm up some virgin coconut oil.
  • Apply some warm coconut oil on your sunburnt skin area and gently massage it.
  • Repeat this process 3 times per day for a few days to boost up the healing process.

Baking Soda

Baking soda can relieve sunburnt skin; it contains antiseptic properties, which help relieve the itchiness associated with sunburn. It is among the home remedies for sunburn on face you can never bypass.

Method 1:

  • Add a cup of baking soda to your cold bathwater and stir it well.
  • Then, soak your affected skin areas in this solution for 15 minutes.
  • Allow the skin to air dry or pat it dry.
  • Repeat this home remedy once daily for the best results.

Method 2:

  • Mix 4 tbsp. of baking soda with a sufficient amount of water to create a paste.
  • Apply this paste directly on your sunburnt skin with a cotton ball.
  • Let it sit on for about 10 minutes before rinsing it off with clean water.
  • Repeat this process once or twice daily for a few days.

Which is our conclution?

Our conclution is that after reading this article, we hope that you can apply one or more of these home remedies for sunburn on face and get rid of the symptoms in short period of time. Good Luck!